What's our Mission?


The environmental impact of food production is a challenge nowadays. Food systems have grown so complex, it is hard to solve one problem without making another one worse. Everything is connected. And these measures depress farmers’ incomes and cause hardship for smallholder farms.

Our business is only focused on local eco-friendly and sustainable farms, all our marketing is directed to show people a viewpoint that emphasizes the interaction between access to nutrients and health and analyzes the effects of both undernutrition and obesity, that contributes to our environment.

Locally grown raw produce

We support local agriculture and farmers & contribute to environmentally friendly farming.

Our approach is to show how the resource-efficient all-natural product is made. Especially the hard and intense work of environmentally focused farmers and technologists. It would be easy to mix together all cheap products, but we want to take people back to their roots.

The technology is to use HPP machines, organic raw materials, the residue is reused to make other healthy products like sugar-free vegan cookies, muesli, fermented yogurt, and so on. We are working closely with the food technologists of Tallinn University of Technology to create a new technology for vegan drink.

Local suppliers

We support local agriculture and farmers and focus on choosing environmentally friendly farms

We have a trustworthy circle of local farmers as parters, Eesti Maheproteiini Ühistu and Tammejuure farm. Tammejuure Organic Farm is the most famous hemp farm in Estonia. They have been growing hemp for 10 years and have agriculture experience for over 30 years and cultivate crops on 600 hectares, organically certified since 2001.

All production of the parters is based on bioenergy. Raw material is dried with a bio heater that uses wood chips from ditch bushes. Cereal terminal and food processing production is using solar energy from solar panels next to production facility.

Local production

First plant-based drink that is produced in Estonia and 100% local.

In the next three years, we want to make a one-time investment to the technology needed (machines, enzymes, and rental space). Challenge is to find a fast and sustainable way how the process of making plant-based drinks that the product in stores is affordable for everyone.

Right now our parters are Maldivar and Värska, where we mill our grains & seeds and produce the drink.

Environmental responsibiliy

We care about our planet.

We are upfront and face the real problems that big dairy industries are creating. It’s not only harmful to animals (animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon rainforest destruction) but the numbers of the use of water and bait are terrifying. All this is creating problems, from the ignorance of people to climate change.

If we would reach 20 000 people in our first year, we would save 4 million kg of CO2 emissions, 1.3 million kWh of energy and 1.2 billion liters of water that cow milk is consuming right now.

We have cut off all the unneccesary transporatation costs, that imported competitors have not made any effort on. Compared to the milk industry, they use 5,1 MJ/l of direct fossil energy and all together with indirect use of energy it takes 31,79 MJ to produce 1L of milk. EIMU uses 1,81 MJ of direct energy and intotal only 9,2 MJ to produce 1L of the drink.

  • 1. (Eesti Maaülikool 2012 ) “Energia põllumajanduses”
  • 2. .Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 96, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 6489-6498 “Energy demand on dairy farms in Ireland” J.Upton , J.Humphreys ,* P. W. G.Groot Koerkamp ,† P. French ,* P. Dillon ,* and I. J. M. De Boer ‡
  • 3. Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, LCA report, 2013, Britta Florén, SIK

Healthier choices

We have put your health first!

We are ready to change the agriculture and food production reputation, we want there to be more innovative young people, who would think less of a profit and more of the good that they can make from it. And the more good we can make, the healthier we can be together!


Let’s get nerdy with the health benefits:



B vitamins
  • - thiamin
  • - folate
  • - magnesium
  • - manganese
  • - phosphorus
  • - zinc
  • - copper
High in fiber

Oat drink has twice the dietary fibre than cow’s milk making it an excellent choice for adding fibre to your diet for healthy gut and digestive functions. Specifically, beta glucan, a soluble fibre strengthens the immune system, regular consumption can prevent infection and improves the body’s ability to naturally heal itself.

High in vitamins

Oat drink contains B vitamins thiamine and folate, supporting the breakdown of carbohydrates (thiamine) for energy and normal function for red blood cells (folate).

Replaces Saturated fats with Unsaturated Fats

With zero saturated fats and a total of 2.5g of fat per serving, this is a super vegan milk product. Every day whole milk contains around 8g of fat and 5g of saturated fat. With minimal fat in each serving it makes oat drink very low in calories and perfect for those watching what they eat for their own training and dietary requirements.

Cholesterol Free

A dairy free product, oat drink contains zero cholesterol, regular consumption may even lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. Excessive cholesterol promotes build up of LDL or low-density lipoproteins in arteries, leading to atherosclerosis, a precursor of cardiovascular disease. So, for every serving of regular milk you replace with oat milk, you are reducing your daily cholesterol intake by 24mg.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Beta glucan the soluble fibre slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the gut, providing a slower and steadier supply of sugar into the blood stream. An excellent and very healthy choice for type 2 diabetes patients looking to help regulate their blood sugar.

Bone Strengthening Minerals

The minerals potassium, magnesium and zinc are all included in this super vegetable milk. All three minerals are important for micronutrients for the strengthening and formation of healthy bones.

Improved heart health

This grain-like seed helps to reduce inflammation and lower LDL, or “bad cholesterol” levels, both of which are important for maintaining heart health. The primary nutrient that provides these cardiovascular benefits is rutin, a type of phytonutrient and antioxidant which helps stabilize blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Reduced blood sugar

In comparison to many whole grains, this pseudocereal is very low on the glycemic index – this means that the carbohydrate content is absorbed slowly into the blood stream, providing your body with a steady flow of energy. By preventing a sudden spike in blood sugar, this nutritious seed helps with diabetes management and may improve insulin resistance.

Gluten free and non-allergenic

Though it can be used in the same way as whole grains like wheat and barley, this seed is naturally gluten free, which makes it a great choice for people with celiac disease or grain sensitivities. Swapping this seed with typical grains containing gluten may also be helpful for people suffering from digestive disturbances like leaky gut syndrome.

Rich in dietary fiber

For every one cup serving of cooked groats, this food provides 6 grams of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps to keep food moving smoothly through the digestive tract, and may help you feel fuller longer – this can be a benefit if you’re trying to lose weight.

Protects against cancer

This pseudocereal contains antioxidants and phenolic compounds, which may help to fight certain types of cancer. Some of the antioxidants found in this food include flavonoids like oligomeric proanthocyanidins, which protect your cells against free radical damage and prevent the kind of dangerous inflammation that can contribute to the spread of cancer.

Source of vegetarian protein

Not only is this food rich in vitamins and minerals, but it is an excellent source of digestible plant protein. For every 100 gram serving, this food contains as much as 14 grams of protein, and 12 different amino acids to support growth and muscle synthesis. The protein content isn’t quite as high as certain beans and legumes, but it is higher than most whole grains.


Buckwheat drink

  • - B1
  • - B2
  • - B3
  • - B6
  • - B9
  • - E
  • - magnesium
  • - manganese
  • - phosphorus
  • - iron
  • - copper


  • - higher in protein than beef
  • - more calcium than milk
  • - less saturated fat than olive oil
  • - A
  • - D
  • - B12
  • - magnesium
  • - iron
  • - phosphorus
  • - zinc
  • - calcium
Improved immune system

Hemp seedx boast of Omega-3 and -6 fats in the ideal 1:3 ratio that promotes brain and heart health and is anti-inflammatory in the body.

May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

The seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease.

May Benefit Skin Disorders

Studies have shown that giving hemp seed oil to people with eczema may improve blood levels of essential fatty acids. The oil may also relieve dry skin, improve itchiness and reduce the need for skin medication

Great Source of Plant-Based Protein

About 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein, which is relatively high. In fact, by weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb — 30 grams of hemp seeds, or 2–3 tablespoons, provide about 11 grams of protein. They are considered a complete protein source, which means that they provide all the essential amino acids. Your body cannot produce essential amino acids and must obtain them from your diet.

May Aid Digestion

Fiber is an essential part of your diet and linked to better digestive health. Whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, containing 20% and 80%, respectively. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes